DIY Christmas Book Ornament

This is my contribution to the Christmas Pintester  Movement. The Pintester Movement is run by Sonja Foust of the Pintester blog. Sonja is awesome and hysterical and you should go check out her blog. It will change your life, especially if you find dirty jokes amusing and enjoy penis crafts.

pintester-movement-200 Yay me!

This time we were supposed to make a Christmas ornament! If it turned out we didn’t need anymore ornaments or didn’t decorate for Christmas, no worries! We were invited to send our ornament to Jodee at Cheeseblarg.

I was actually pretty excited about this one and went to town pinning ideas to my crafting board on Pinterest. In the end I decided on this lovely ball.


DIY Christmas Book Page Ornament from Diary of a Fit Mommy!

I decided to put my own spin on it by making it Harry Potter themed. The first step was to get me some ornaments. This turned out to be easier said then done. I had to try three different stores before I could find ornaments that were ball shaped, smooth and any color vaguely related to Harry Potter. They were all either ridged, funky shaped or funky colored…or part of giant economy packages of eight bazillion balls. Since I wasn’t willing to go into debt for this project, I kept looking. Who knew it was so hard to find smooth, normal balls?

Anyway…I eventually found a package of silver ornaments for $5 and some cute little blue bows (Ravenclaw FTW!) and got down to business!


As you can see, some of my balls were shiny and some were matte. I chose a matte one because I wasn’t sure what the Mod Podge would do to a shiny ball.

The next step was to cut up some book pages (sob). Luckily (?) I already had a mutilated copy of The Sorcerer’s Stone to work with from my washer necklace project. I pulled a few relevant pages and sliced them up.


The instructions call for Elmer’s glue but I just pulled out my trusty Mod Podge! I also decided to attach all the strips from top to bottom so they could be read.

Here is the finished project pre-drying…


as you can see, my sub par motor skills got in the way again and the Mod Podge got everywhere. It’s all good though as it will mostly be covered by the blue bow. I did end up putting a top coat on as well.

After it all dried I attached the bow and hanger and ended up with this:


Another view:


I liked how it came out overall and I will be keeping it (sorry Jodee!). The strips of paper are not entirely smooth and I am not sure if it’s because of the Mod Podge for Elmer’s substitution or the placement of the strips. Regardless I am glad I placed them that way because you can read the quotes and it makes the geek in me happy 🙂 As for the use of an alternate adhesive, I didn’t have any Elmer’s so there was no helping that! The ball looks more covered in the pin but I wanted the silver to show through because Ravenclaw.


And yes I know that Ravenclaw colors are actually blue and bronze but give me a break…after three stores I was happy to settle for movie colors!

11 thoughts on “DIY Christmas Book Ornament

  1. I think it is pretty fantastic, all thing considered. I am a huge Harry Potter fan but I don’t have multiple books. Do you think I could get away with using photocopied pages??
    Also, I always have trouble with Mod Podge but it beats hot gluing your fingers together like I did.

    • Probably. You will want to make sure you copy onto a heavier paper though, these wanted to tear and the pages were pretty thick.

  2. I like how they turned out. I am thinking of all kinds of awesome inappropriate books I could use to make one of those now. Like use a copy of 50 shades of gray just to see if anyone notices.

  3. I assumed I’d end up needing to go to 23987 stores to find plain old clear glass balls, as they were astoundingly hard to find last year. However, they were at Target, my very first stop. Win! As for colored balls, though, I totally agree – they’re all in variety packs of 750. Or you end up with bizarre spiral shapes. (Note: I tried really hard to figure out how to make a penis joke out of the spiral ornaments and balls, but nothing flowed.) I think your ornaments turned out great, but like you, I’d find it really difficult to cut apart a book and do not have anything that’s already been mutilated. *sigh*

  4. First, I’m sorry that you couldn’t find normal balls out there…they must be hiding away with all the others. Second, I love the fact that Harry Potter was incorporated into this crafty project!! Love it! I want to make some now, but I don’t think I could ever cut up one of my books!!

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