Orange Bird Feeders

Today I am finishing up the bird feeders/decorations for our Christmas tree, which is now sitting outside in the snow.

I decided to try and make the Natural Bird Feeders from Lady of the Arts.

For this you need:

Peanut butter
bird food
we also used some oatmeal

Here’s my prep.


It’s pretty simple.

First slice the oranges in half…


then you gut them. We found the easiest way to do that was to segment it like a grapefruit and then scoop out the segments.

You end up with orange shells like these.


Throw the orange guts into a bowl with the peanut butter, oatmeal and bird seed…


stir that stuff up…


and stuff the orange bowls!


I didn’t bother to string these so I could hang them because we planned on just setting them right on the branches of the tree.


We ended up doing the same thing with most of the cookies since they never did solidify enough to support their own weight while hanging.


At least the cheerio ornaments hung properly!


You ended up not being able to see most of the “decorations due to us having to lay them in there rather than hang them but here is the finished tree..


Ta Da?

Hopefully the birds enjoy it.

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